Colettesized Portraits

Still in progress, more to be added

“Absolut Katerina”
Katerina Otto-Bernstein
“Woman with bird”
“The Scottsman”
James Mc Larren
“The Machiviallian Prince”
R Couri Hay
Mehry D’Horville
“La Marquise illuminee”
“La Jeune Fille Aux Papillons”
“La Clef de Chef”
“Le General”
portrait of Gabriel Byrne
“Une femme et ses chiens”
Audrey Nevins

“Amidst her multifarious artistic explorations of creativity, Colette’s unique commissioned portraits reveal the spirit and character of her subjects on a level rarely seen or undertaken in contemporary work. She renders their true self and innate esthetic as the focus of these portraits which are visual and sensorial delights. Wildly and quixotically original, her portraits transform, through paint, glitter, objects and collage, the photographic image of the designated subject into an individualized yet ideal dream figure. These haunting depictions, reminiscent in their painterly sense of celebrated 18th century European masters, honor the individuals idiosyncrasies and chosen appurtenances.” Elizabeth Rogers, 2002

Other portraits: Miles Davis, Leo Castelli, Eartha Kit, King Ludwig, Chancellor of Germany, Monique Van Vooren, Silvia Miles, Leslie and Dedlef Von Wagon Heim, George Waterman, Kiki and Eckbert Von B Ohlen and Aurchbach, Peter Gabriel…etc, more to come…..


Photo Album

Portraits / Drawing portraits 

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