Countess Reichenbach (86-91) Munich
Countess Reichenbach (86-91) Munich
"In 1986, Colette made Munich - capital city of baroque fantasy-her headquarters in Europe and mounted a still ongoing project called The Bavarian Adventure, which captivated a large public drawn into such charades a Dial C for Scandal. The Baroque sensibility that permeates all of Colette's work was readily understood by her European audiences".
Alan Jones
Dial C for Scandal
Installation detail "Dial C for scandal" Frauen Museum Bonn Germany 1988.
In Munich as part of her Bavarian adventure Colette established among other things her new services - "Dial C for Scandal", a conceptual business which provided art scandals to be commissioned.
press release for Dial C for Scandal. 1987.
Dial C for Scandal offices . Photo works. 30" x 40"
Photo Album
Dial C for Scandal
Love in the Closet
Love in the Closet. Mixed media with light. 6 ft x 5 ft x 10" 1987-91
The secret Life of the Count and Countess
Q: About "The Artist and her Muse - Love in Ruins" your lastest series which includes "The Secret Lives of Count and Countess Reichenbach" how did this series evolve and who are the protagonists?
Q: So the Count and Countess are fictitious characters?
Q: This is an ongoing series yet this is the only time that they will be exhibited as a single body of work, why?
C: I did exhibit a couple of works in Munich in 1990 in my exhibitions at Carol Johnssen's, "Visits to the Normal World," and again a year later in "The Aristocrats," where I made a cameo appearance as the Countess. Perhaps I felt at the time that the whole series was too personal.
quotes and excerpt from interview for cover magazine 1992
Francisco Hernandez
Visits to the Normal World / Olympia beginnings
Installation view of Visits to The Normal World, Room 1, Stage I.
Carol Johnssen Gallery, Munich, 1990.
View of one of the rooms in the exhibition 'Visits to the Normal World', stage I. The exhibition consisted of art performances and installations that occurred in alternative and public spaces, for example the Scandal Offices, Fiorucci Windows, Night Club installations etc.
This installation marked the end of The Countess Reichenbach period and unveiled Olympia's beginnings.
Photo Album
Visits to the Normal World
Most images of public and private performances are available in photo edition or as altered photographs.
Contact Maison Lumiere for more information.